Monday, February 23, 2015

It's a Slow Week

So I've got another wave of midterms coming, and consequently my reserve of ideas and posts is also going down. Because I haven't posted in a while, here's a little something to entertain you guys.

As you know, I danced for a while, especially when I was in high school. So, behold the greatest solo in dance you ever saw! *cue dramatic music*

Just kidding, but it's halfway decent.

Here's the link

For those of you not too familiar with dance, this may (or may not, who knows) be boring, but a little explanation can help. The style of dance being performed is called Contemporary. This style is  relatively new and can be related to the genre Alternative, in music. That is, it doesn't really fit in the other categories of dance (jazz, lyrical, ballet, etc), so it has its own. It's characterized by a variation of sharp, sudden movements, and smooth, drawn out ones. A lot times, choreographers like to use contemporary as a way to tell stories through dance. Very cool stuff!

Anyway, this particular dance doesn't really have a storyline, but it has a theme, which is overcoming struggle. A common theme, but a good one. So, listen to the words, hear the music, and just absorb that theme. I personally loved living and breathing this piece. Give me some slack though.....I was 16 at the time, so not the most mature dancer!

Also, the song is "Raise it Up" from the August Rush soundtrack. By the way, that soundtrack is amazing! So underrated.

I'll get off my soapbox now. One more thing though......

Do what you love, and do it well. Then making a living will be the most fulfilling you'll ever do.

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